Jumat, 01 Desember 2017

 Desember 01, 2017      No comments
Majin guide

Info yg di dapat tidak berdasarkan L.O.Gemscool Karna belum ke kejar tapi ini berdasarkan informasi yang didapat dari survey ke website"/blog" yg dapat di percaya :) dalam bentuk bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia..

Majorly Magical Majin Build Overview!

The magical build of Majins has 4 stats to mix and match as you level your have a few basic setups.
  • 3 INT per level - the pure path
  • 2 INT to 1 WIS per level - the well rounded path
  • 2 WIS to 1 INT per level - the crit path
  • 2 INT to 1 VIS per level- the Magical tank path

*Note I prefer the well rounded path!*

Depending on the path you will focus on 4 stats of gear.
Pure INT path will want as much INT/WIS gear as they can get. DEX can take the place of WIS on gear to an extent and will add mild survivability but lose dps. 2 INT to 1 WIS will be the same, however 2 WIS to 1 INT will want to focus as much on WIS as they can as it will be your bread and butter for crit chance and damage!

2 INT to 1 VIT path falls into and odd section as your want your main gear to focus on INT main- VIT secondary stats. However your accessories Hat, belt will need to have WIS and VIT or INT to balance out health to damage based on what you currently are lacking. If you are losing aggro INT if you are taking to strong of hits VIT if both of these are okay WIS.
*Note I prefer INT/WIS on all my gear!*

As a Magical Majin you start off taking Blessing of Lupia and Blessing of Parsaika and will be leveling 1-26 with engage and Dark lighting, here you have the option to level as a Melee user till at least 40 to make best use of the skill reset or to play Mage all the way. *see Melee post below*

Ideally you will level with a friend and only 1 point into dark lightning and battle heal till 26.
At 26 you will get your main CC spam able skill Tooth of tundra, followed by 1st aoe Plague hands at 28 and 1st main Nuke Blast hell at 30 and your second aoe Immolate at 32.

The passives you will be focusing on are Evil spirit, Armored bout, and demonic giftDo not take Dual World(wield) The Pin point passive you will level as well but do note this does not need to be maxed unless your main skills are already max and you have spare SP.

With the starting skills out of the way you have the choice to level Blood Lust,Army of Chaos, and Evil Adviser group buffs. Blood Lust is a MUST HAVE for both melee or magic builds- it gives you MP regen and magical defense.

*Note- Healing circle can be taken at level one if you prefer more group play and supportive playstyle.*
*Note- I do not level dark lighting past level 6 if I take it.*
*Note- Nightmare is a sleep cc it can be taken for pvp but I do not take it myself.

This Basic start will be your bread and butter till level 100.

Now for Level 40+ at 40 you will be picking up Dead Eye. This is a strong nuke with relatively low cast time it has a chance at sleeping, this can be used in pvp to disengage someone and heal yourself.
You have the option of grabbing one point in disintegrate for the silence chance however I do not for SP conserving and the fact the proc chance is relatively low. At 75, you can now grab a point in destruction if you feel the need for a 3rd aoe, however the other two are plenty spamable and this is not needed.

As you can see after the start there isnt to much left you have your core ready. Around 120+ you can mix and match your choice of leveling PVP skills like the 2 stuns and group heal etc its up to you!.

To much reading make it simple
Okay fine fine, You will need Blessing of Lupia and Blessing of Parsaika you will max Tooth of Tundra,Blast Hell,Immolate,Plague hands,Dead Eye in this order, with one point Battle heal.The passives Evil spirit, Armored bout, and demonic gift should stay maxed. The buffs you will take are Blood Lust,Army of Chaos, and Evil Adviser being maxed in that order.
Option pvp skills are Dark Lightning,Lightning bane for stuns and 1 or more points designate for silence and 1 or more points nightmare for sleep. Extra SP put it where you want 
Best balance build will be 2 Int to 1 WIS per level.

Major Melee Majin Build Overview!
*Note I myself play Magical Majin so this will be based of my experience* 

The Physical build of Majins has 4 stats to mix and match as you level your have a few basic setups

  • 3 STR per level - The pure path
  • 2 STR to 1 DEX per level - the well wounded path
  • 2 STR to 1 VIT per level - the dps off tank
  • 3 DEX per level and 2 DEX to 1 STR per level - The DEX paths

*Note I prefer the well rounded path!*

For all paths BUT off tank the focus will with STR/DEX gear, WIS can take the place of dex when need be, If you feel you are to weak VIT gear can be used to add some Cushion. Now For the 2 STR to 1 VIT path you will want to focus on STR main stat and VIT off stat for your main gear, with STR DEX accessory/belt/hat as DPS will be key on holding aggro when you need to.This also goes without saying if you cant hold aggro get more STR/DEX if you are to weak get more VIT find the balance that works for you!
*Note I prefer STR/DEX on all my gear!*

As a Physicall Majin you start off taking Blessing of Beelze and Blessing of ParsaikaEngage and Double Impact will be your main single target dps skills. Opening with Double Impact for bleed and Engage as basic attack rotating to keep Bleed up at all times. The passives you will be getting are Armored Bout,Pin Point,and Duel World(Wield). Evil spirit can be picked up when you have spare SP as later it gives MP regen.

It is a must to get Blood Lust this will help with MP regen and give you much needed magical defense, Army of Chaos should be grabbed to but only level it when you have spare SP. I again take 1 point in Battle heal, most wisdom base gear will allow this to be great pocket heal without putting to many points in it. At level 22 you will get your second aoe Penetrate I use this over blade dancer as blade dancer takes up valuable SP and Penetrate is plenty spamable by itself. At 24 you will get Lighting bane this is a ranged skill with chance to stun I do not keep it maxed but it is worth having for pvp and pulling! At 44 you will get Cursed Nail this is a must for pvp and to max it! Following that at 48 is Genocide This skill has lower damage then some at its level but it is ranged and fairly spamable and must have for pvp later in game! And coming up last will be Termination and Moon Slasher. Termination is your next big aoe that you will use along with Penetrate, Moon slasher will be your big end game Nuke.

Take a breath after that haha 
*Note Ebony dancer,soul divider can be taken however be careful of your SP sparing as both fall off and this guide is focus on saving SP as you level. I do not take these*
*later in game you can put more in to battle heal as you see fit I do not however* 

Now that that is out of the way the run down! max these skills in this order! Double Impact,Engage,Penetrate,Blood Lust,Cursed Nail,genocide, Moon slasher,Termination.

Max these passives in this order! Duel World(wield),Armored bout,Evil Spirit.

When unlocked get 1 point in Battle heal,watch your sp and when you have spare*no skills coming up 5x level* Army of Chaos and Dark lightning.

*note anything else is up to you and at your risk!*

Majorly Mundane Majin Bonus!

This is a bonus section covering Support build- it is a very boring party heavy build for endgame and has very little offence so dull is a understatement, it is however a fairly decent support for any party

The focus of support will be 2 WIS to 1 VIT with WIS/VIT heavy gear, Blessing of Parsaika will be your bread and butter stance and you will max the skills Battle heal,Soul Charge,Healing Circle,Evil Adviser,Army of Chaos, Blood Lust. The passives Evil Spirit and Armored bout. Your main offense skills will be Weapon break, Armor Break, and Mind break they lower damage, physical defense, and magical defense respectively. Your attack skills will be Lighting Bane and Engage.

As you can see with only 2 attacks your time will be spent maintain debuffs and buffs on enemy's and teammates, along with off healing and mana management, this build is best suited for level 120 boss and raids or world boss fights.

It is optional in between debuffs and buffs to use Blessing of Lupia with Blast hell and Tooth of tundra or Immolate. for added dps. However SP cost will be hit or miss if be for level 120.

At 120 with the core maxed you can mix and match your choice of melee or magical stance attack skills, however the build will be in favor of Magical speccs

The handy dandy terms
DPS- damage per second
CC- crowd control - sleep,slow,root,etc
Stance - a skill that effects available skills to use
Buff - increase to player or mob
Debuff - Decrease to player or mob
Nuke - high DPS burst skill
AOE - area of effect skill
Speccs - a detailed build of one type

source :https://forum.subagames.com/showthread.php?t=87589
source : http://archaguzz.blogspot.co.id/2013/12/majin-rogue-skill-luna-plus.html

Demon Rogue / Demon Full Dex Status

Demon atau biasa di sebut juga Majin merupakan ras khusus di Luna Plus, Untuk bisa memiliki Ras ini, km harus punya character minimal level 50 dalam 1 ID. Saat km membuat Character Demon / Majin ini akan diberi langsung level 40.

Keunggulan Demon Rogue ini dapat memudahkan km hunting / leveling solocritikal yang sering keluar, dan hindaran yang besar, tapi kelemahan demon tipe rogue ini ialah memiliki deff fisik yang lumayan empuk serta nilai serangan yang kecil (kalau ga critikal).

Full DEX (equipment usahakan yang berbau dex2 smua dan bagian2 yang ga mungkin di isi dex isilah dengan str)
Pengambilan Skill
Level 40 - 74
Dual Wield[Passive](max)
Armored bracer[Passive](max)
Pin Point[Passive](max)
Bless of Bergamo[Active Buff](max)
Dark dancer[Area](max)
Hit Efficiency[Area](max)

*skill passive di utamakan.
Level 75 - 104
Bless of Bergamo[Active Buff](max)
Genocide[Single Range](Max)
Curse[Single Paralys](Max)
Dark Dancer[Area](Max)
Hit Effiency[Area](Max)

*skill passive tidak ada perubahan, hanya di maksimalkan aja
Level 105
Bless of Bergamo[Active Buff](max)
Genocide[Single Range](Max)
Curse[Single Paralys](Max)
Lunar Slash[Single Close Range](Max)
Dark Dancer[Area](Max)
Hit Effiency[Area](Max)

*skill passive tidak ada perubahan, hanya di maksimalkan aja

 Power of Beelzebub cooldown0.3sec Att speed/hits/Physical Crit Damage increased

Hellbringer Corruption (only need LV. 1 of hellbringer corruption) cooldown0.3

Seal of Blood Might needed buff: Hellbriger Corruption cooldown0.7 sec Increases your physical attack power by 10% and decreases the targets physical defense by 5.0%

Blood Lust  Need buff: Hellbringer corruption ,Colldown :10.0sec By sacrificing your majin blood you boost your MP recovered by 42 temporarily.

The buff skills in my shortcut list^^

Tempat Leveling
  • 40-60 = Date Dungeon / Gerbang Jurang/Mont Blanc
  • 60-78 = Desert Wolf @portal kegelapan
  • 78-87 = Sarang Kierra/Hutan Peri
  • 87-120 = Gurun Sahel/Oasis Parasus/Reruntuhan Kuno Elpis
  • Udah kuat solo, lebih deres Exp nya

Jangan lupa perlengkapan leveling nya :
[Viking]Exp Blessing 10%
[Swing Rotation] Speed 10%
[Twist] Konversi Serangan ke HP 5.0% (vampire)
[Rumah] Increase EXP 25% - 2jam
Increase EXP Scroll [10%] - 2jam
Buff keluarga (jika ada)
[P]Mite - Mite Pet Meningkat kan Serangan Fisik

Equip yang disarankan
Kepalaapa aja boleh asal Upgrade Emerald Philo hindaran
Bajulevel 80 opsi hindaran upgrade Ruby
Tanganlevel 80 opsi hindaran upgrade Ruby
Kakilevel 80 opsi hindaran upgrade Wind Crystal
Accessoriesdisarankan cari philo hindaran 10++
SabukDragon Slayer - Crtical
BelakangRaven Wing / Blue Wings 7 day
SenjataSenjata dungeon Dual Wield (crafting)
KostumSet Racing Pelajar Critical

Beberapa Masalah dan Solusi nya
A:Kenapa pada level 40-74 ga ada skil tunggal ?
B:Karena disini saya ga pake reset skill, jadi skill tunggalnya diambil level 75 aja, lagipula kalau ambil skill tunggal Lightning bane atau Double Impact skill ini tidak akan di pakai, karena akan digantikan dengan skill Single Genocide dan Curse yang damage dan efek nya lebih bagus.
A:Kenapa ga ambil aja semua nya ?
B:SP point nya kga bakal cukup buat maksimalin semua sob..
A:Kenapa pengambilan skil nya level 40-74 dan 75-104 ? padahal demon kan Ganti job pada level 40-60-80-120 gan..
B:Karena Pada saat Demon level 60 dan ganti job (Expert)Demon belum mendapat tambahan skil, begitu juga pada saat level 80 (master). Karena untuk skill serangan yang baru hanya bisa di akses di level 75 (Expert) dan level 105 (master).
A:kk tanya nih genocide itu beneran range? kalo beneran range kok d tulisnya 0.0m sih jarak nya?
B:Genocide itu beneran Skill Range, Mungkin salah dalam penulisan skill di dalam game Luna Plus nya aja sob..
A:kenapa yang diambil genocide? ga blade strom aja? apa sih bedanya selain cast ama delay?
  • Kemungkinan skill ini direkomendasikan karena jaraknya (11m) yg lebih jauh daripada Blade Storm (3.5m).
  • Selain casting/cooldown perbedaannya cuma itu.
  • Power dan SP consumption per level juga sama persis.

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